Invisalign FAQ

How do I choose a provider?

You can begin your search on using the “find a doctor” feature. This feature allows you to put in your zip code to find an Invisalign near you. The doctor’s listed here have completed Invisalign training and are able to provide you with a consultation to determine if Invisalign is right for you.

What is a Premier Provider or a Premier Provider Elite?

Invisalign denotes providers as Premier or Premier Elite based on the number of Invisalign cases that provider has completed. You may be able to find orthodontist and dentists that have been given this distinction in your area. If you have been advised that your bite or occlusion is not good, then it may be wise for you to seek a consultation with a Premier or Premier Elite provider.

How much does Invisalign cost?

It’s likely that no matter what doctor you choose the starting fee for full Invisalign treatment will be no less than $5000. Invisalign express is designed for cases that can be treated with ten aligners or less, the fee for this service is about $2000. Ask questions about what is included in the fee, like your retainers, lost aligners or mid-course corrections. If you have dental insurance with orthodontic coverage then some of the fee may be covered. You should also ask about a discount for paying your portion in full at the beginning of treatment.

Can I view a ClinCheck before making a commitment to Invisalign treatment?

Most Invisalign providers will require a commitment from you before proceeding with the impressions and photos necessary for a ClinCheck. The process of obtaining the impressions and photos takes doctor and staff time, and submitting your case to Align Technology will incur a fee for the provider. You can, however, visit to take a smile assessment to see if Invisalign is right for you.

What are “attachments” or “buttons” and why do I need them for my treatment?

Not everyone that uses Invisalign will need attachments, sometimes called buttons. The attachments are small “bumps” on your teeth placed by your orthodontist or dentist. The attachments are a tooth-colored composite material that bonds to your tooth. The aligners have indentions or wells that correspond to the attachments. These are strategically placed to achieve certain movement and rotation that may be necessary to treat your smile. The attachments may also be used for rubber bands if necessary for your treatment.

Why are my teeth being filed?

Invisalign treatment may include IPR or Inter Proximal Reduction. IPR is a process of filing or slimming that is done between your teeth to gain space. The severity of your crowding will determine the amount of IPR needed. In most cases IPR is spread out to include multiple teeth and over a few visits. The amount of IPR per tooth is very minimal. You can discuss this with your orthodontist or dentist before submitting your case to Invisalign for the ClinCheck. It is sometimes possible for Invisalign to set up the case without IPR but it may take longer.