Dental Surgery Questions

jaw infections & antibiotics

how do you know if antibiotics are helping a jaw infection? i was told my jaw was infection. i have a plate in lower jaw and i had a bone graph 7 months ago i was shot in the face….. my jaw was draining so they put me on antibiotics ciprothoxacin…it...

anxiety after oral surgery

Is it normal to have anxiety after having oral surgery with chest pains?I had four wisdom teeth removed&the tooth on top.

average length of stay in hospital post major dental surgery (multiple extractions and abscess drain

My mother has to have her dental surgery in-hospital due to multiple extractions and abscess drainage. She is 90. Has had CABG in the past and has controlled hypertension.She refused to go to a dentist and now is facing manor dental surgery with no...

Tmj and wisdom tooth

I am 49 yrs old I have been having head aches and ear aches from tmj since I was 19 and would like very much to find out if surgery would help me or make my problem worse and could explain both the good and bad sides and which out weights the other....

Birth Control and General Anesthesia Interactions

Having IV Sedation for wisdom teeth extraction and was told by dental surgeon to stop taking my birth control for one cycle, due to possible interactions with the sedation. My Gyno. says I shouldn\'t have to stop taking the birth control. My...

Canine tooth grown in behind baby tooth

I'm 25 years old and I have never lost my upper right baby canine. The permanent canine has grown in behind it. Is there any possibility of having surgery to reposition the permanent tooth to the right spot (after removing the baby tooth first, of...

Pre-medicated because of heart surgery

My son (31 years old) is going to have all of his teeth pulled (because of Meth use). When he was 6 years old he had open heart surgery for a very large hole in his heart (ASD). Because of the heart surgery, he has always had to be pre-medicated...

What is the best option for me bike accident?

Unfortunately, I got into this bike accident and broke the roof part of my jaw, one front tooth was pushed back, the other front tooth was chipped, and one of my fangs pushed up and in.... I was rushed to the ER where they immediately brought back...

overbite correction procedure

I have a sort of pushed in chin and both sides of my jaw crack/pop. I've had this problem for as long as I remember, the popping jaw started on the right side and not long after it was happening on the left too. So everytime I move or open my mouth,...

Wisdom Tooth Removed and in Severe Pain

i had my lower right wisdom tooth removed on monday but by thursday i was in a lot of pain. i contacted the dental hospital and they said i had dry socket . they flushed it out with corsidol and packed it with a dressing and it was fine. no pain at...

Would double jaw surgery be the best answer for me?

Hi, I\'m Nicole and my orthodontist told me I have a class 3 underwrite my top jaw is behind my bottom jaw and I cannot touch my top and bottom jaw together because when I was younger I was very very stupid and did not want to wear my retainers. I...

Do xrays and CT scans show how far up the teeth are in the bone?

My almost 6yo daughter just had surgery to remove a mesiodens and the surgeon said he couldn't see the new adult teeth or the mesiodens. Shouldn't he have known by looking at the xray and CT scan that he wouldn't be able to see them if they are...

Post-Wisdom Tooth Extraction Issue

I had my wisdom teeth removed a week ago today. My recovery went well despite my having a tiny mouth and a lot of swelling. Now the top two and the bottom right don\'t hurt at all, but I\'m having issues with the bottom left one. On the 4th day of...

I had a tooth surgically removed nerve damage?

I had a tooth surgically removed 8 days ago. Doc had to break it up and slice through my gums in 3 spots. I am having severe pain, and he said it was really hard to get that tooth out, but that it looks good, still has the clot. I am wondering if...

Will extraction affect my teeth?

I am going to get surgery to put metal plates on the top and bottom off my gums in the next couple of months so that I can get braces afterwards. During the procedure they are also going to extract my top fangs because they stick out. Would it...