Dental Fear Questions

What's wrong with my tooth the one next to the two front? (Answered)

My tooth feels loose and hurts I don\'t brush regularly have bad breath what\'s wrong

Scared of what's happening in my face! (Answered)

I have a small white hole behind my right molar,there's no pain or swelling but feels like something sharp like a horn is competing out.please don't delete I'm very nervous and can't seem to find help.

Worried about possible dry socket after extraction (Answered)

Hi there, I just had a tooth pulled today(2nd from the back, bottom left), and i am somewhat worried that a dry socket will form. I've kept the gauze on the extracion site all day, eaten/drank with it in place, and i have this terrible habit of...

Root Canal Blood Dried Purple Black

please answer quickly I got a root canal just yesterday and well I was wondering my tooth got taken out it was very painful so it was bleeding a lot yesterday because I had just got it but today the blood kinda dried and turned kind of purple and...

will her teeth grow back if she already lost them?

My six years old daughter had her two front teeth knocked out I think she already lost here front teeth before, will she grow new ones or will she be permanently without her front tooth?

has my abscess spread to a location antibiotics can not treat? (Answered)

okay I have been to the hospital twice in the last month to try to get rid of an abscessed tooth. the first time I was placed on clindimicine 300mg three times a day, and received a 600mg shot while in the hospital. that did not totally take car of...

Too Late for it?

Is it too latte to get a root canal cleansing procedure ..? i've had this issue for at least 7 months since it started

My jaw pops at random times.

Hi, I am a 15 year old male, Ive been to the orthodontist around my aera, and he asked me if my jaw has ever pop, At the time i didn't know what he ment, And prior to the visit it has pop at random times and it still ism Do you know what this...

Bump/Callus on Top of Tongue

I have a bump 3/4 of the way to the back of my tongue on the top. It appeared a year ago when I was dehydrated and had dry mouth. It disappeared, then re-appeared 2-3 weeks ago. It\'s a hard bump that looks normal on top but is white, almost like a...

Oral surgery on back molar

2 nights ago I chomped down in my sleep and caused my back upper right molar to break even more so than it already was. I made a dentist appointment the next day (today) and he prescribed me erythromycin because there is an abscess on my gum line...

Swollen mouth

My husband is having mouth problems . His upper front gums are hurting and swollen. His upper lip and all the way to his eyes are swollen as well. What are some things he can do to take the swelling down. He went to the emergency room and they gave...

Are my teeth going through my gums?

My teeth look like they are going through my gums. The toot looks like its trying to come out the top and bottom layers. I took pictures incase I could seek assistance.I am unsure what to do. I brush twice a day but still yellowish tint. No pain or...

Molar clicking sound

I have just had a cleaning 4 days ago and now my back molar makes a clicking sound when i push on it with my tongue I am worries its a sign its going to break but there is no pain at all

I'm really afraid

The Inside of my mouth feels and looks exstremly weird. Thier is a yellow-whitetish-red vein like film along my mouth and the back of my throat, and when I pull my bottom lip down it looks vein like red. The inside is just as wierd, feels like lumps...

White lumps / hard notts behind front bottom teeth (Answered)

Hi, I have white lumps / hard notts behind front bottom teeth, can you please tell me what is happenings.