Dental Implants Questions

Infection and a suture, TI-Fixation pin came out
First I really love my DR BUT I am getting through the process of 2 front teeth dental implants. About 2 years ago I had a bone graph done on tooth # 8 with no issues. About 7 weeks ago I went in for the following: Tooth # 8 Surgical implant body...

its possible to water entering to my sinus trough a dental implant?
have all on four operation six weeks ago. top and bottom. today when I using the oxy jet, water start running out of my nose! how that possible? thank you [Sorry English is not my strongest language]

My implant cover screw came out
My dental implant cover screw came out for 2 days before I could have it replaced(the implant was placed 3 mos ago and I was just cleared to get my tooth). It was quite painful when replacing, and the tissue had started growing over already, but my...

adjacent teeth pain after dental implant surgery
About 2 years ago on April 12, 2014 I was hit in the mouth by an elbow when i was playing basketball. I noticed a few months afterwards that i had a pinkish color tint on tooth #7. My dentist never said anything about it. On March 15,2016 i was...

nerve damage after dental implant
Three weeks ago i had an implant placed in my mouth on tooth #30 on the right side of my lower jaw. Unfortunaltely my dentist drilled to far with the implant prep drill and nicked the inferior alveolar nerve. I felt a electric shock sensation when...

I was wondering if I would be a good candidate for dental Implants?
Hi, My Name is Steven Kinlin I\'m almost 44 years of age. I\'m not 44 years Old mentally as I have Aspergers Syndrome and other disabilities. I have a big everbite. I have 4 teeth that are not completly gone but there broke. See I was seeing a...

nerve damage after dental implant
Two weeks ago i had an implant put in my mouth on the right side of my lower jaw. Unfortunately my dentist drilled to far with the implant drill and nicked the Inferior alveolar nerve which provide sensation to my lower lip, chin as well as gums and...

My implants have been placed.
As mentioned in title box, my implants have been placed. I have had a tough time with moving toward the completion due to several issues. My question is, do I have another option that may possibly be less expensive than $15,000 in order to...

Extraction and Implant
my lower molar 7 has a vertical fracture so it needs to be extracted. I keep having infection. Just finished 5 days course antibiotic Amoxicillin. I saw two dentists: first one said he will remove it, wait a couple of months so that the infection...

Does have K2 a post-implant contraindication?
The contraindication of biophosphonats as treatment option for osteoporosis after dental implants is well known. Given the Vit. K2's transference ability of Ca structures from endoarterial plaques to the bones based on a different action mechanism,...

POST implant front teeth
hi, 3 year old son's front upper two teeth are knock out completely . Within 30 minutes we implant teeth. I have taken digital xray of teeth after 2 months. I want to share with u , and seeking ypur observation. My kid is perfectly fine , he has...

missing lateral incisors
Hello, i am losing 2 lateral incisors and there are small gaps between it (upper teeth) i've been researching of what i could do about it and they said i might need to have dental implants if theres spaces for it. But the gaps on my upper teeth are...

im a fraid my teeth will go skew again if i dont get another retainer. my dog chewed my oretainer
Morning my name is Jasmin I am 19 years old. In 2010 I had braces and got them removed in 2012. From 2012 I wore a retainer 24/7 and by the end of 2014 I started easing off of them and only wore my retainer at night. On Saturday 23/05/2015 my dog...

When Can I Eat Normally after Bone Graft Surgery?
Hello, One week ago I underwent bone graft surgery for an implant on my left, upper molar. Since then I\'ve been eating soft foods. When will I be able to return to a normal diet consisting of hard/and or spicy food? If I chew on the opposite side...

Sore gums four months after bone graft
I am a 25 year old female doctor, non-smoker; In 2005 I underwent a root canal on the right central maxillary tooth . All was well until 5 years later I felt discomfort over the tooth again and another root canal was attempted. This process could...