Dental Implants Questions

Dental implant for missing congenital tooth
I am an adult who is considering getting braces. I have received a quote for $8000 for the Damon system and $1000 extra for the retainers etc. that would be dealt after, my issue is that I have gaps between my teeth as well as, a missing molar (the...

Tooth Broken off the Gum line
I have one tooth that is broken off at the gum line, another that is broken above the gum line. My question is: I plan to have permanent implants in the future ... will the dentist doing the implant remove those broken teeth as part of the...

Pain caused by tooth medicine. Why all of the sudden?
Hello. First of all, sorry but English is not my native language and I don't know dental terminology, but I hope you will understand and answer me. Before a long time ago, my dentist put medicine in my tooth 1 or 2 weeks before putting a filling...

Patient Returns with the Implant in his Hand
The surgeon has a patient for whom he has placed an implant last week in relation to 15 region. The patient returns with the implant in his hand. What should be done a. Place another bigger implant in its place b. Do nothing now but wait and watch...

Can I Get Molar Implant?
Hello! So about 5 years ago I got braces on, and to have braces on I had to have 4 teeth extracted because of how overcrowded my mouth was. And I know a lot of orthodontists take out pre molars to make space. BUT for some reason my orthodontist took...

Is it possible to get dental implant with my circumstance?
My lateral incisor is missing, when i was younger it was actually an abnormal tooth which was different and smaller then the opposite lateral incisor tooth. Over the years i had the tooth removed, and my dentist gave me a flipper to wear. I didn\'t...

Is implant necessary to me?
Dentist wants to do a bone graft surgery from my gum to lift sinus membrane. I know it's a necessary procedure if I do need implant according to my bone condition. But, I'm wondering if I do need a tooth implant since I just finished my invisalign...

Abutment and crow fell out
Last night my abutment, which is posteriorly located, right side, fell out along with the crown (still intact and attached as one unit). I attempted to re-screw the unit but failed and now the implant site is exposed. At first it seemed that the...

Whiten Teeth before or after dental implants?
Hi, I am 20 year old college student and I have been wearing a flipper that has two teeth in it for about 8 years now. I have been told that I am a great candidate for two dental implants (both are my front two teeth), so I will be having that...

Tooth Knocked on to the Roof of My Mouth
I had a tooth knocked on to the roof of my mouth, I pushed ot back in to place with my finger, it hurt and there was alot of blood but not real pain, six days later my tooth is still loose. What do I do, it\'s still hard to eat.

Need approximate cost of dental work needed for Merced, Ca
My top tooth next to my very right front tooth fractured both vertically and horizontally (ironically while brushing my teeth!), I need an extraction & possible dental implant. I have no insurance, well medicarethrough social security disability...

How many implants will i need?
I have three missing teeth located next to each other on both sides of my mouth. Will I need to have six seperate implants put in or can the fake teeth be attached to one another?

Can my 17 year old son be considered for a dental implant?
At an early age my son had a traumatic accident whiich caused his front four teeth to start to die and one of them to only come out partially. He wear a flipper. He is now 17 and his doctor only predicts that he will grow another inch or two at the...

What can happen if you get Novocaine in your eye?
I was in the office to get a dental implant yesterday and while I was sitting back in the chair getting numbed up, something splashed up onto my face. I really do not know what it was and my eyes were open. I am afraid that it was Novocaine. If it...

Implant Crown Metal Posts Below Gum Line
had 2 implants 6 weeks ago no problem waiting for crowns but now feel one of the metal posts is below the gum line can feel it with my tongue does this mean implant coming out or is this normal?