Dentures Questions
Removable denture
I have i very loose tooth in the top of my mouth from being head butted by my nephew like 2 yrs ago. It loosened over those 2 yrs and I feel like it’s going to come out soon.Can I purchase a removable denture online? If so what’s the best site to...
Can my dental flipper be saved?
I got an immediate flipper after a dental extraction, Canine tooth upper right. I am also missing the tooth not right behind the canine but behind that one. I planned to get a implant around this time but life had other plans. I have not worn the...
Bite Impression For Upper Denture. (Answered)
Hi, I need to know if the position of your lower jaw is relevant when the impressions are taken for an upper denture in regards to ones bite. I have TMJ. With my lower jaw relaxed I am able to chew however I have locking and clicking and pain. When...
I have lower implants and a denture. Denture broke x 2. Shoddy dentures what should I do? (Answered)
What can I do about shoddy dentures. I have spent money on lower dentures and the have broken x 3. I keep going to the dentist for repairs and even invested in a new denture. I have had to go without denture for over a week. Return to dentist to...
What is this strange localized swelling on my inside lower gumline? (Answered)
Im not sure what this swelling is on my gum? It appeared a couple weeks ago. Hasn't gotten any bigger, hasn't shrunk. It causes no pain or discomfort. It fits perfectly under my partial denture which i have worn for 8 years. I've had poor teeth my...
Depressed over my dental situation (Answered)
Hi! I will start with a brief dental history of mine. I haven't exactly been prone to decay, or at least when you think about my poor dental hygiene as a teenager. However, as soon as I moved away from my childhood home, which was 3 years ago, I...
Are rubber bands needed
Hello. My orthodontist said that I have an underbite, he says that I will have to continue to use the rubber bands for 6 more moths. They are very annoying and pain full. What will happen if i get them removed now. My teeth are already straight. So...
Full mouth extraction (Answered)
I had 22 teeth removed 3 weeks ago today. I noticed about a week ago several spots that looked like teeth popping through the gums. I knew about bone spurs and assumed that was what these were. A couple of them did come out easily by rubbing with...
How can I fix my out of lined tooth? (Answered)
I had braces which straighten my teeth for awhile and I did wear my retainers. Now one of me tooths are pushing upward out of alignment which makes the bottom row no longer straight and when I talk you can see that one tooth sticking out. What can I...
After having all 21 teeth removed is it normal (Answered)
My wife had 21 teeth removed he had to remove some bone because the infection had gotten to it She had to take teeth out the 1st night. She has Percocet an also has from pain Dr for back hydrocodone (narco) also is taking Levaquin antibiotic. I...
After having all 21 teeth removed is it normal
My wife had all 21 remaining teeth pulled top n bottom. On antibiotic but on bottom infection had got to bone. On more antibiotic he removed some bone. She has Percocet n on levaquin. Had this done on Wednesday. Said she feels her pain is only...
What should I do with the dental filling that I bought? (Answered)
When I asked a dental supply shop for a material used for dental filling, they gave me a capsule containing a white bead with some grayish powder. I tried dissolving it in boiling water but the bead is still hard. I\'m attempting DIY dental filling...
surgery or not?
All of my back teeth, upper and lower have fallen out and the gums have closed over whatever pieces of teeth might have been left. I'm having no pain in my gums and are still able to chew food.I went to a dentist's office and was advised they wanted...
Should i wait for permanant dentures instead of temporary ones (Answered)
I have no lower teeth now for over a year my top teeth are being exctracted next week ive been saving money for temp dentures so that i dont have to go without teeth until my permanant dentures are ready to be put in. Im on social security and get...
How much is the average cost to have a tooth added , and have an upper partial relined
I was kicked in the face by a horse and had to have a front top tooth removed ,and facial reconstruction surgery. The injuries and/or procedures caused my partial to no longer stay in place. So, I need to add a tooth to the partial, and have it...