Extractions Questions

I have a dry socket with no pain.

I have dry socket following removal of wisdom teeth. it is only in one space and it is an apparent hole. I do not feel any of the notorious pain despite not being on any prescribed painkillers, and even when im not on iburprofen for my sore throat...

Infection or normal healing behaviour?

I had my second top right molar extracted due to a failed root canal from a previous dentist. The tooth had cracked in half all the way down and one of the roots were left intact leaving me in dibilitating pain. It has been 96 hours since I've had...

Adult with canine baby teeth looking to get them removed

I am a 30-year-old female with two canine baby teeth. In the past dentists have said it\'s not necessary to have them removed if they aren\'t bothering me... but I want to get adult braces because my teeth are rather crowded. I am just curious...

Just had lateral incisions removed. Implants? Or let braces close?

I just had my lateral incisions removed, the two teeth next to my two front teeth. My doctor is telling me I should put my braces back on to close the gaps and then shave my fang teeth down. Should I do that, or get implants to replace my lateral...

Loose adult tooth after tooth extraction and braces - 6 years! (Answered)

About 6 years ago I had my milk tooth extracted to pull the adult one out as it wouldn't do that on its own. The process was removing the milk tooth completely and attaching a chain from the adult tooth inside my gum to the already grown adult tooth...

Is this nerve damage from extraction or deep dental injection?

Please help! Saw dentist #1 about 2 years ago about extracting #18. He referred me to an oral surgeon, because based on Xrays, he felt the tooth roots were too close to inferior alveolar nerve. Couldnt afford to see oral surgeon (dentist #2) at that...

What should I do now my tooth has been extracted?

I am fifteen and yesterday I had a baby tooth extracted because there is no adult tooth growing underneath and the orthadontist said that the baby tooth would eventually sink into my gum and that the operation to remove that would be far worse than...

Do extractions affect braces?

I have had braces going on more than 4 years, and about 2 years ago I had oral surgery to pur a chain on a tooth to bring it down. Now after 2 years the tooth has moved next to nothing, and I would have to get the bracket repositioned but I would...

Wisdom tooth extraction hole smells and my whole jaw hurts. Is this normal?

I had my bottom left wisdom tooth extracted at the dentist 6 days ago. I've been in severe pain since day 1, and I'm still in pretty bad pain...but yesterday I started to get a bad taste in my mouth when I would move my tongue back there. If I touch...

drinking alcohol after wisdom teeth extraction.

Hi I was wondering, it has been 7 days since I had all 4 wisdom teeth extracted. A couple days after that I had 2 partial dry sockets on both my bottom sockets,and the surgeon packed them with dissolvable medical foam soaked in clove oil. I still...

bonr graph needed ??

First I need my top last back molar extracted on my right side my Dentist says I need a bone graph so my sinuses don't sage down and cause problems for implants at a later date like 2 or more years cant afford them later I hope. So my question is...

How much dental work is too much while pregnant?

Im 25 weeks pregnant, found out my wisdom teeth are decaying . The dentist says i am missing my molars so my wisdom teeth took over and slid into there spot. They said the bottom two they want out so i have to go to a surgeon and. The top they are...

When can I drink out of a straw after wisdom teeth extraction?

I got all 4 wisdom teeth removed last Friday, February 20th. I got stitches, which are now unraveling. I no longer have pain and haven't taken any pain medicine in the last 3 days. I got a sheet that said do not drink from a straw and I was...

I had my tooth extracted. Will I get super eruption?

I am 13 1/ 2, I had my bottom second molar extracted 6 months ago. Will my wisdom tooth still erupt, how long until that or will it be affected by the healing process. Will my top second molar super erupt and will it cause significant damage even...

Gum Pain after wisdom extraction

I have been having gum pain in the lower right of my mouth for over a month. I had to have two widom teeth removed because the oral surgeon figured that was the problem but the pain didn't go away. I went back ans was told I hadn't cleaned the holes...