Extractions Questions

How to deal with a painful, partially erupted incisor directly behind a tooth with fractured roots?

Hello, I have an impacted incisor which is partially (and painfully) erupted behind my front teeth. The problem is, one of my front teeth has damaged roots due to trauma and I've been told that removing the impacted tooth may result in the loss...

Extreme and prolonged pain afte extraction

3 weeks ago I had severe pain and was told I needed a root canal. During the procedure, my tooth fractured and it was extracted. The dentist placed a bone graft, however one week later it needed to be removed because it was rejected. A second...

Sedation didn't work for wisdom teeth extraction

My 16-year-old daughter underwent extraction of 4 wisdom teeth this morning (2 erupted and 2 impacted-completely horizontal with an inclusion cyst below), but her laughing gas didn't seem to work. She had an anxiolytic before the procedure, in...

Very bad taste in mouth after all four wisdom teeth extraction

About 2-3 weeks after i had all four wisdom teeth removed, i have developed an unbearably bad taste in my mouth that sometimes makes me want to vomit. I have heard that you are supposed to irrigate it, but i dont know where in mouth and how. Have...

When can i exercise/skateboard after wisdom teeth removal?

When can i skateboard after getting 4 wisdom teeth removed? I still have swelling and jaw stiffness but no pain. Also i have mouth stitches. Is it ok if go tomorrow after getting them out last wednesday morning? So it would be my 4th day after...

I had my wisdom teeth extracted and I am still in pain.

I had my wisdom teeth on the left both extracted a week ago one was out so it pulled easily the other was still flush with the top of my jaw so it was a little more difficult . At the time of the extraction my jaw locked . The dentist said I had the...

Is pain in other teeth normal after having wisdom teeth surgically extracted?

I had all four of my wisdom teeth surgically extracted 5 days ago. The holes seem to be healing fine but I am having intense pain in my other teeth but only on the right side of my mouth. I was told that the bottom right tooth was the most difficult...

Wisdom tooth sockets (Answered)

I had my wisdom teeth removed last Friday. I notice on the bottom right, that the socket itself is packed with something. Is this meant to come out with time or will the socket heal over with this inside? Also, what happens if this stuff that the...

Do I have dry sockets?

Hello, 6 days ago, I got my wisdom teeth removed. On the second day, the anibiotic made me throw up. In the vomit, there was blood. Now, I feel sharp pain in my lower right extraction site, and it smells/tastes awful. Most of the time Naproxen...

will speech be affected by incisor removal at three years

My three year old son had his top incisors removed today, our dentist said it shouldn't effect his speech much, he talks very well for 3 years old. What are your thoughts on his speech being effected by the extractions? Thanks for your time. .......

1st premolar extraction

Hi im a 21 year old male. 4.5 years ago i had my 1st premolar extracted by my dentist and ever since i have had a lisp my tongue will not stay in line with my top front teeth and will habitually move off center into the gap during speech. On top...

Smoking 48 hours after simple extraction

I had a single 2nd upper molar extracted 48 hours ago. The procedure was deemed \"simple\" as they didn\'t have to cut my gum and the tooth came out in one piece. My dentist instructions said not to smoke for 48 hours but I have been reading...

Leaving Root after extraction

I had extremely bad gums in my opinion and opted to have the remainder of my teeth removed and just get dentures. I have faced numerous difficulties after this process. All greeted with this is normal and part of the healing process. I lost faith in...

Should I get my wisdom teeth removed before or after braces ?

I don't have a crowded teeth but I want to get braces in order to close the gabs in my front teeth , and I have a problem in my bite . Also, when I was a child I lost one of adult molar , I didn't have a replacement for it . Over the years , That...

Teeth sticking out

Hi, I am 14 years old and i currently have braces. I am still early in my treatment since i started with braces is January. I am supposed to have them off in about 2 years. Last week i asked my orthodontist about my 2 front teeth that stick out,...