General Dental Questions

I feel my bite is off and my dentist doesn't agree? (Answered)

I went to the dentist because I had horrible sweet sensitivity between 13 and 14. I have had SRP, 13 fillings, and wisdom teeth extractions in the past two months. I have bruxism. First, they filled 12 OD, 13 MOD, 14 OL, 19 OD, 20 OD, and 18 O....

Weird Receding Gum Type Thing? (Answered)

Hi! I'm 16, Female. On my left front tooth, part of the gum seems to be higher up or (receded) and it just happened a few days ago. It was sore and somewhat swollen. My gums are overall healthy besides the bleed because of how crowded they are and I...

Dizziness after dentist (Answered)

I just recently returned from the dentist and had an old amalgam filling removed and replaced with a composite after the procedure I have been experiencing extreme dizziness, not vertigo but intense lightheadedness. I was wondering if the novacain...

Do I need braces, headgear, or surgery?

Hi. My top teeth are grown in slanted, and my jaw seems misaligned, which causes an open bite. I was wondering if you've heard of this or encountered anybody with this issue and how can it be fixed?? My teeth are very straight so I'm not sure how...

How many hours a day should I be wearing my hawley retainer? (Answered)

Hi! I am a thirteen year old female and I just got my braces off after having them for 19 months. I received a standard hawley retainer for my top and bottom teeth. My problem is, I have a TERRIBLE lisp with it, but my orthodontist told me I had...

What method would you recommend and are there any other solutions? (Answered)

Hello, I recently went to the orthodontist. He said that the teeth on my upper jaw are not 2 millimeters in front of my teeth on my lower jaw, as they should be. However I do not have an under bite or over bite. He said that either my bottom jaw...

I might have a cracked tooth, how would that be treated? (Answered)

So I've recently felt with my tongue that I have some sort of small crack on one of my upper left molars. It doesn't hurt but it does react if I breath in heavily. But again this reaction isn't necessarily painful just not normal. As far as I can...

What is a dental term meaning

My mother just died recently (aged 96) and wanted to have on her headstone that she had all her own teeth. The only tasteful way to do this is through vocabulary. Please help. Thank you

My molar tooth has broken off and the remaining parts are hurting greatly. (Answered)

About 3 or so weeks ago, one of my molars (the one on the right that\'s just in front of my top wisdom teeth) had suddenly decided to get loosened and fall out. It was weird, since the day had just started and I really didn\'t eat anything, and all...

Lump near right k-9 (Answered)

I have a very small, hard spot on my gums, right next to my right k9. I used a Swedish tobacco called snus in the area, periodically for approximately 3-4 months. This bump has been there 1-2 weeks, is painless and does not bleed. What could this...

What is the medical term for having one's own teeth?

What is the medical term for having one's own teeth?

Skin bubble on the roof of my mouth. (Answered)

So I have what I would describe as a skin bubble on the roof of my mouth. If I put my finger on it I can move the skin. It's like it just formed because I feel like I would have noticed it. If it helps i just ate some hot food but I feel that if it...

Do I need to get my wisdom tooth removed?

Hello, I have a question in regards to my upper left wisdom tooth. So I have this wisdom teeth that has erupted since 3 years ago that I thought has finish growing. But two days ago, I woke up with a sore throat out of nowhere and the gum near the...

Tongue feeling teeth all day

I feel my two top teeth with my tongue all day long. Its driving me crazy. I started this about three years ago. I quit smoking and uae an ecig now. Ive pushed out my one front tooth a bit doing this. I get isolated because i do it all day...

What is this small gray spot on the inside of my cheek?

“I have a small gray spot in the inside of my cheek about the size of a a pencil eraser. It doesn't hurt or feel rough. I have had it about a year. Oral surgeon said it looked fine but I am worried it's cancer. Wouldn't it change in appearance of...