Crowns Questions

severe pain in gums after a permanent crown and two adjustments on crown (Answered)
I have braces and a root canal done on my last bottom left molar. I also have an existing crown next to the root canal tooth. I have had two adjustments to my new crown and the dentist told me the pain is from my braces shifting my teeth. I can see...

Can Bondin Be Mistakenly Removed During Scaling? (Answered)
Is it possible to mistakenly remove 15-yr old cosmetic bonding from the teeth during the scaling process? I came from the dentist with a sizable gap between my front teeth where I previously had bonding work done. Wouldn\'t the bonding have shown up...

I have a crack in the lower back of my temp crown and light blood is coming from their (Answered)
I have a crack in the lower back of my temp crown and light blood is coming from their It has happened twice now, yesterday and today There is also a slight pain when drinking water and both time the bleeding was just after I drank water I can’t...

crown too tight (Answered)
I just had an implant crown put in 2 months after the intital impressions were taken. Since my teeth shifted slightly since the intial impressions were taken the crown fits very tight and i feel slight pressure. My question is will that pressure...

can you use temporary cement on a crown that is loose but hasn't fallen out yet?
Just moved to a new town a few months ago so I don't have a dentist here yet. I just noticed that my crown is loose but hasn't fallen out yet. I am leaving for a road trip tomorrow and was wondering if you can use temporary cement on it while it...

#8 Tooth Crown (Answered)
My 18 year old son has beautiful teeth. His #8 tooth had trauma about four years ago and he got a root canal and now its getting darker and darker. His pediatrict dentist told him maybe wait to get crown or until it starts cracking. It has chipped...

foul bacterial odor from loose crown (Answered)
Went to dentist today about loose all porcelain crown over a root canaled tooth. Xray showed no decay, bone loss or fractures. If there's no decay, why is there a only recent, bad bacterial odor at the gum/crown margin? My oral hygeine is excellent,...

Can new crowns be replaced? (Answered)
My 4 year old daughter had to have crowns placed on her two front teeth and I of course asked for white crowns. Once the procedure began the dentist went through several crowns of the white ones to get them to fit and they all were sticking out and...

discomfort and pain after crown was placed (Answered)
hi , i need an advise about my left lower molar tooth. I got a root canal done about 2 years ago and placed the crown couple weeks ago ( porcelain fused to high noble metal ) . Since i got this crown my tooth started to hurt when i was chewing...

Will my permanent Mold Crown #8 give me a gap tooth next to adjacent teeth?
I have a poorly shaped temporary crown #8 done from my molding, it is smaller in size of the width. Therefore making a gap in between the adjacent teeth. I never ever had a gap tooth before with my original tooth. It look horrendous. I am so afraid...

discomfort and pain after crown was placed
hi , i need an advise about my left lower molar tooth. I got a root canal done about 2 years ago and placed the crown couple weeks ago ( porcelain fused to high noble metal ) . Since i got this crown my tooth started to hurt when i was chewing...

a 4 year old's teeth (Answered)
I was told at a dental clinic that my 4 year old grandson needs to get crowns on his baby teeth. He has no chips, cracks or any signs of damage. I was also told he needed to have 5 teeth filled because he had cavities. He has all his baby teeth and...

Will I be able to use orthofill to close my gap if I get a crown done on my tooth?
Hi, I have a question. I had a bonding done of half of my front tooth because of a fall I had, and now I need to get a crown because the bonding is chipping off and its caused discoloration in my tooth. It appears more white than my other teeth. So...

My first molar crown came off due to a broken tooth root structure, thus leaving a deep cavity, with very short and small root pieces protruding out of the cavity. Each time I eat, food accumulates in the cavity; thus, I clean well the cavity after...

Do I have to get a crown or is it possible to get a filling on a front tooth?
I had a root canal done on my front tooth before I got braces, but the tooth is still broken, not much but there\'s a bit missing on the bottom. And I\'m a little scared to get a crown because most people I know who have crowns are noticeable, and...