What Is Dental Sedation?

I'm having surgery for my all my back teeth because I broke my jaw so how do they sedate me because I'm freaking out because I have only had general anethesisa so I don't know what dental sedation is like plz help me really I'm scared I would love some more info

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Answer: its normal to be scared


Sorry to hear about breaking your jaw! Ouch! There are different ways as in which you can be sedated. The oral surgeon who i'm assuming you are having this done be may explain this to you as well. There is one type of sedation where you will have a sedative pill or liquid called into the pharmacy. You will need to pick it up. It sometimes is called dizepam a generic brand of valium. The oral surgeon will give a dosage based on your weight. It is normally a light dosage. You take this one hour prior to your appointment. You will need someone to drive you to and from your appointment and to stay with you while you get home after the appointment. This medicine can stay in your system up to 12 hours after taking it. It take about one hour to kick in and by that time you should be at the dental office. You may feel light headed and slightly dizzy. Your vision will see a bit blurry but not bad. Somtimes you legs feel wobbly and very heavy. This helps you relax. If you use this type you may also be offered the nitrous oxide. or laughing as more commonly known as. 

The other type of sedation can be iv sedation. This is where they will place a small iv into your arm releasing the sedative. They  sometimes offer little patches you may place over the site where the iv is going in to numb the area before placing the iv. This type of sedation works very fast. Chances are you will not remember the surgery at all. It does not put you completely to sleep but it will seem as if you are. You will still be able to do commands as they ask because you will be concious.  The good thing about this one it is more effective for longer surgeries and more relaxing. As i mentioned you most likely will be remember it if this is the one they choose for you. After the surgery they will make sure you are alert and give you and whoever brought you post operative instuctions.

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