Dental Restoration Questions
Shortened teeth, possibly from acid wear. If lengthened, will they feel like natural teeth? (Answered)
21 and have quite short teeth. Drank hot diluted lemon juice 3 times a day over the past year and believe the acid took away 1mm of tooth enamel. I can\'t believe I did this and wondered if my teeth will ever be as they were 10 years ago again (when...
Effectiveness and approximate cost for Emdogain application and is not or is covered by insurance?
I am 55 years old Female NY and I have had healthy teeth but bad gums and bone loss. I just recently had a procedure done by an oral surgeon. Cleaning under the gums and applying Emdogain to grow bone and a collogen to strengthen the gums and then...
Dental Bonding Solution Question - Phosporic Acid? Toxic? (Answered)
Hi, I have been reading your information on your website and an so impressed by your knowledge and all the important insights you share! I had a question I hope you can help me with. Today I had my front two top teeth bonded to fill a gap between...
Filling received one month ago still very sensitive and painful. (Answered)
Hi there, Over four weeks ago, I received composite fillings in about 16 teeth. I just got out of braces about two months ago, am in a vacuum formed retainer (no issues until now), and decided to get some fillings replaced and address some new...
implants fiasco... (Answered)
Is it normal to pull all ( 15 ) of someone\'s maxillary teeth, perform bone grafts, wait 6 months, do full flap osteoplasty with implant placement using a cat scan & guide- only to dismiss the patient with completely useless and un-loadable...
Shoddy Dental Work and other questions regarding dental ethics. (Answered)
I had a terrible dentist when I was a kid. He would walk into the room, not look at the x-rays, not look in my mouth and announce that I had anywhere from 5-10 cavities, every six months for about 8 years. Finally when I was 16, he pulled this...
Denture relining mistakes or not (Answered)
When having dentures relined, dental assistent toook upper plate and put liner material in upper plate then put put to upper gum and held in place until dried. Took outupper and then repeated the lower the same way. I asked the assistent(the doctor...
White spot fixing
So I got my braces off in 7th grade, I am now in 11th grade. So for 3 or 4 years I have had white spots on my teeth. I am really self conscience about my smile. My smiling is inevitable because I am a cheerleader. I have tried whitening strips and...
Im currently wearing braces. Im wondering what other dental treatment can I do after getting these? (Answered)
As a child, I lack knowledge on proper oral hygiene. So I had root canal treatment on my two front teeth (central incisors) at an early age of 15, and now they are darker than its adjacent teeth. I also had several composite fillings on several...
adult very early sign of decay (Answered)
23 year old female, cloudy on most teeth very slight light brown on few... can i fix at home???, am brushing with flouride sensitive toothpaste (have heard about swishing warm salt water but not sire if i should try) thinking on xylitol products.....
why did my dentist go this route? (Answered)
OK so October 31st I passed out from dehydration and smashed my face in to a door and my front teeth hurt so I went to the dentist sometime in the first week of November. They took an Xray and found a horizontal root fracture located on the left...
Tooth Knocked out football
I was playing tackle football and my front adult tooth got knocked cleanly out. I went to the E.R. and they put it back in place and told me to hold it there and that there is a 50/50 chance my gum will tighten back around my tooth. Is there anyway...
periodontal disease question
I have periodontal disease and had braces for 3 yrs.due to gaps and over bite..Been off for 3rs now and I\'m a 51yr. old female; no health conditions... out of braces now but hate the small spaces between several teeth. What are my option reasonable...
Born With Yellow Teeth? (Answered)
I have a yellow teeth but it isn\'t because I don\'t brush my teeth. I was born with it. One of my dentish told me he can put a cap on top of it when am 16 year\'s old. But I switch dentist and the one I have now told me it well clear out by the...
Re shaping for filed teeth (Answered)
Hi I am 32 and when I was in my teens I filed down my top four front teeth as I was very unhappy with them a very silly thing to do, I am looking at getting braces fitted but I'd like to know if the teeth could be reshaped once the brace has come of...